I concurrently completed my BS & MS in Info. Systems Management from BYU in 2018, where I published academic articles on accounting fraud & info. security. Learning has been a lifelong passion for me.
I take a risk-based approach to security, rather than a transactional approach.
I believe helping people
(1) understand their risk landscape and (2) what things they can do that result in better outcomes than fear-mongering.
I enjoy going on walks, sports, learning history, gardening, painting, composing music, learning new things, and especially spending time with other people (particularly my family).
Covers six areas of concerns kids and teenagers commonly face online, including anonymity, cyber bullying, adult content, etc.
Educates the general public on basic cyber-risks and simple things they can do to become safer online.
Also provides info for people who want to have a career in security.
Videos I've created that cover topics including ethical password cracking, pen. testing (i.e, "hacking"), OWASP, etc.
Presents the major physical, digital and social engineering risks related to info. security & how to develop a security mindset.
Discusses issues related to privacy & the government.
Lastly, provides extensive resources to learn more.