Recognizing Fraud

The number of frauds happening is increasing every year, exposing millions of people to potential financial losses. This site's goal is to help you recognize some of the basic potential fraud schemes that happen to individuals and organizations (you can view my credentials here).

If you find something confusing or want a topic explained more, please feel free to contact me or visit the resource section.


Perhaps the most tragic part of any fraud is that at the bottom of every scheme is an abuse of trust. You or an organization won't be defrauded by someone you distrust - that's called theft.

What This Site is Not

Because new fraud schemes are created even as others are stopped, this site does not cover every single possible fraud scheme. Discussing every scheme, unfortunately, isn't feasible on this site.


Technology is everywhere and has brought opportunities and risks. This site helps you develop a security mindset so you can be safer online and an informed citizen. It does not teach you how to hack.


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This section discusses Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et laborum.

Habits & Resources

This section talks about security as a mindset and provides resources to mitigate against risks, protect privacy, and lists trustworthy security news sites/where you can learn more.


Attackers will often use these three categories together in an attack. Click on the links below to learn more.


This section covers cybersecurity issues frequently highlighted in the news and of national importance.

Encryption Mass Surveillance Cyberweapons Privacy Regulations

Habits & Resources


Learning to recognize and not fall victim to frauds involves developing a fraud mindset. Nothing will ever keep you 100% safe - getting hacked or having your credit card information stolen is as likely as you getting physically ill. But like good health habits, you can keep yourself safe online by:

This site has been dedicated to helping you understand the first two bullet points. Listed below, in the resource section, are reputable security news sites/blogs and tools you can utilize.

And once again, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Resources & Tools

This section lists resources and tools you can use to become safer, stay informed, and learn more. Many of these resources have been cited on the rest of the site.

A significant portion of modern fraud schemes involves digital frauds. The cybersecurity portion of the site goes over how you can safe online and provides resources to do so.

Browser Extensions

Software & Apps.


Contact Me

Feel free to contact me through one of my profiles listed below.
I'd love to hear from you!